Grant & Kristen 0492 970 637
Supplying Local Farmers
Quality Australian White SheepÂ
At Affordable Prices

Members of
Australian White Sheep Breeders Association
Flock No. 0131
OVINE Brucellosis-Free Accredited flock
Acc.No 331

Please allow us the pleasure to introduce you to
our new principal Stud Sire
(image below)
'SILK' ( ET 200195 Tw)
was purchased at TATTYKEEL'S 2021 Annual Auction for $35,000 and is sired by one of TATTYKEELS top rams 'REMINGTON'.
REMINGTON has excellent shedding traits and we are so excited to have used 'SILK' in our 2021 & 22 AI program.
We are confident 'SILK' will further enhance our quality Australian White Sheep & we look forward to bringing them to you.

Mb: 0492 970 637
Keep scrolling for lots more great info...

A Little Bit About Us...
We are a family owned Australian White Sheep Stud, established in 2014.
We place enormous importance on quality. We are very proud that all our current Stud Rams & Ewes have been purchased directly from the foundation stud - the famous TATTYKEEL.
We are passionate about developing our sheep to the AWSBA standards (Australian White Sheep Breeders Ass).
Our goal is to continue to improve the breed to AWSBA standards - but to also enhance temperament and reach total shedding potential.
Our first AI (Artificial Insemination) program commenced in December 2020, using our top ram 'Number 1' - son of "Leader", TATTYKEELS previously top selling ram for $38K, 2017.
50+ ewes were carefully selected for the breeding program & lambed in early May 2021.
The Australian Whites have a high reproductive capability, which makes it able to perform ideally as a self replacing flock.
Balmattum Australian White Sheep Stud is an Ovine Brucellosis FREE accredited Sheep Stud and we routinely vaccinate against OJD (Ovine Johne's Disease).
We are a registered member of the AWSBA
(Australian White Sheep Breeders Association)
Flock No 0131.
Get in touch today and arrange a visit.
We call him
"Number 1"
Son of "Leader" - TATTYKEEL 150722 -
was the record breaking sire, sold for $38K, 2017.
"Number 1" has been used as our principal Registered Stud Sire & has been extensively throughout BALMATTUM - he was always going to be our number 1 choice for our first AI program.
"Number 1" ticks all the boxes of an excellent quality Australian White Sheep Ram:
- 100% shedding
- Excellent conformation
- Well structured hooves, strong & solid black
- Super quiet and very easy to handle

A Little Bit More About Us...
BALMATTUM Australian White Sheep Stud (originally established in Milawa) is a family owned business, located at the base of beautiful Balmattum Hill, just 8kms from Euroa in North East Victoria.
The stud was first established in 2014, on top quality ewes from the well known Tattykeel & Campben Studs. We have 2 stud sires, both sons from TATTYKEEL'S "Leader" 150722.
A Little Bit About the Aussie Whites...
The Australian White Sheep breed originated at Tattykeel in Oberon, NSW, approx 20 years ago by taking the best genetics from the Poll Dorset and Texel and incorporating these with the Van Rooy and Dorper Breeds using AI - resulting in about 20,000 embryo transfers to get the breed today.
Australian White Sheep are hardy, shedding sheep that require no shearing or crutching and have exceptional growth rates and excellent conformation.
In recent years the breed has been winning the carcass competitions and the meat also being high in Omega3 with a very low melting point for the fat, resulting in deliciously tender roast dishes.
Potential clients have shown great interest in the breed, especially those with a small hobby farm supplying their own meat for the table.

At the time of this pic, our guy is 10 Months Old - we named him "Potential" because he has so much of it!! To us he is perfect.
Sept 2019 drop.
Grandson of TATTYKEELS "Leader" 150722
Excellent conformation, exceptional shedding coat, super shiny black feet & nose and a very quiet, even temperament.
'Potential' was SOLD at our inaugural AUCTION 2021 for $5,500.
It was with some sadness that we had to say good bye - however, we're confident he's making an excellent ram for our purchaser.
More About
The Australian White Sheep Breed
The Australian White is a stabilised pure breed that has been created to produce high stability in both breed type and functional traits.
They are a medium to large breed with good mobility and conformation.
The breed mature early and have an open breeding season.
White in colour, they have a full hair pattern, with good shedding.
The Australian Whites are a breed that suits Australian conditions and markets.
Visit the Australian White Sheep Breeders website for more information.
Members of
Australian Sheep Breeders Association
Flock Number 0131

Get In Touch Today
BALMATTUM Australian White Sheep
Grant & Kristen 0492 970 637